Dental Hygiene

The new and increasing amount of technologies with the capacity to help diagnose oral health problems are also expected to create an increasing need for dental hygienists. Graduates of Wallace State’s Dental Hygiene program will be prepared to provide dental hygiene services for patients in dental practices, hospitals, nursing homes, and public health clinics.

Admission Requirements and Curriculum

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Dental Hygiene

Dental Hygiene

Wallace State’s programs boast a top-notch reputation with an outstanding 90 percent licensure rate and excellent job placement rates, small class sizes and an award-winning faculty.  Choose Wallace State’s Dental Hygiene degree for a career in a highly-rewarding, high-demand field at a fraction of the cost of attending a university.  And if you do choose to continue your education, you’ll be two years ahead on an advanced degree, with employment potential and cost savings to boot.  

Discover your story in Dental Hygiene at Wallace State!       

About the Program

As a practicing member of the dental health team, the dental hygienist acts as an educator and motivator in maintenance of oral health and prevention of dental disease.

Hygienists are in demand in general dental practices, as well as in specialty practices such as periodontics or pediatric dentistry. Hygienists may also be employed to provide dental hygiene services for patients in hospitals, nursing homes, and public health clinics. Dental hygienists remove soft and hard deposits from teeth, teach patients how to practice good oral hygiene, and provide other preventive dental care. Hygienists examine patients’ teeth and gums, recording the presence of diseases or abnormalities. They remove tartar, stains, and plaque from teeth; perform root planing as a periodontal therapy; take and develop dental x-rays; and apply cavity-preventive agents such as fluorides and pit and fissure sealants. In some states, hygienists administer anesthetics; place and carve filling materials, temporary fillings, and periodontal dressings; remove sutures; and smooth and polish metal restorations. Although hygienists may not diagnose diseases, they can prepare clinical and laboratory diagnostic tests for the dentist to interpret. Hygienists sometimes work chairside with the dentist during treatment.

Dental Hygiene Program Information

Ms. Susan Brewer, BS, RDH
Interim Program Director /
Clinical Instructor

Health Science Building, room 214
B.S., University of Alabama at Birmingham 
M. ED, Athens State University

Ms. Halli Melton, RDH, BS, CDA
Clinical Instructor

Health Science Building, room 205
B.S., University of Alabama at Birmingham
R.D.H., C.D.A., A.S., Wallace State Community College

Ms. Stephanie Eisner, BS, RDH
Clinical Instructor

Health Science Building, room 126
A.S., R.D.H. Wallace State Community College
B.S., Athens State University
M. Ed, Athens State University

Dr. Tammye Whited, BS, DMD
Clinical Dentist

Health Science Building, room 114
B.S., University of Alabama at Birmingham
D.M.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham

Corey Weeks

Health Science Building, front desk
A.S., Wallace State Community College

Program Application

*Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama and The Caring Foundation provided equipment in support of this program.

Program Overview

Dental Hygiene

Degrees/Awards Offered



  • Day

Dental Hygiene

Curriculum: Program of Study

Pathway Map: Associate in Applied Science


Career Outlook

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